Other Body Part Procedures

  • Breast Reconstruction

    OVERVIEW Plastic or reconstructive surgery is not just limited to improving the looks and physical aspects of specific body parts. The reasons for having these types of surgeries can also result from a mastectomy stemming from breast cancer. The most common type of plastic surgery after a mastectomy

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  • Breast Reduction

    OVERVIEW The most common misconception about plastic surgery is that it can only improve the physical aspects of specific parts of the body. Contrary to popular belief, people can also undergo plastic surgery to relieve pain, especially when dealing with bigger breasts that can eliminate and restrict

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  • Calf Implants/Lifts

    OVERVIEW Like other parts of the body, an asymmetry sometimes occurs in calves on one individual - either from birth or as a result of the disease. At other times, the proportions between the thighs and calves are out of balance. Calf implants and lifts offer an alternative for creating a balanced look

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  • Capsulectomy, Capsulotomy, Capsulorrhaphy

    OVERVIEW When a foreign object gets inside your body, it forms a protective capsule of scar tissue around it. This scar tissue can get thick over time. This thickened scar tissue capsule can hold the implants in place for breast implants. However, this can cause a problem wherein the capsules tighten

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  • Full Body Lift

    OVERVIEW A full body lift is a series of cosmetic procedures or surgeries that remove excess skin and fat that can remain on your body after massive weight loss. Changes to your diet and exercise can result in radical physical changes rather quickly; the resulting weight loss, however, does not include

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Sample Plastic Surgery

4850 T-Rex Ave,
Boca Raton, FL 33431